Rachel Diede

Rachel Diede

Licensing: 201252617

We are thrilled to have Rachel on the Living Local NW Team!

Prior to becoming a Real Estate Agent, she served our country as a United States Marine and as a Police Officer in Boise, ID and Salem, OR.

When her son was born, she wanted to make a change. Through real estate, she gets to continue to make a meaningful impact in her community and serve others while caring for her family.

She has been an agent in Idaho for 3 years and she recently passed her Oregon exam! She has seen how real estate can change lives and create generational wealth! Encouraging home ownership not only improves the lives of families but strengthens our communities. It is her joy to help others in their journeys.

Since starting this career she has loved every minute of it! She is once again located in the Salem area and ready to help you with your real estate needs.

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